Monday, May 19, 2008


This is a common term, an ailment that afflicts the ones with sensitive stomachs. I wouldn't classify myself in that category, and yet I've been suffering this for the past 2 weeks.

All too often, I'd be passing watery discharge despite having changed every meal to be different. Only until yesteday, having removed milk from my daily diet, did my condition improved.

Now, although the throbbing ache still persists, the stools had hardened slightly. Which brings me to my point:

Milk, is a cause of diarrhea.

Now this statement is contradictory, in particular to myself. I've had the practise of taking fresh dairy milk every morning with my coffee, and yet it was the past 2 weeks that this had been affecting me. So I'm thinking, like, you know, that milk is NOT the cause, but a trigger of diarrhea if the tummy's upset.

Which means I'll still need to get my tummy tweaked, and go without the milk until my body's back to it's pristine heatlh.

Awwww... the things I have to sacrifice in Vietnam!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Asians have higher than average rate of lactose intolerance and it tends to manifest it self as we grow older... read it somewhere...
