Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas is round the corner

* Bells ringing

Christmas is round the corner. It's 10 days and 30 minutes away to the best day of the year. Right about this time of each year, I'd be in a joyous mood, looking forward to that day when I'd wake up early in the morning (cold) and rush down to wish everyone Merry Christmas!

And this year will not be any different. No doubt it's going to be a quiet Christmas, spent only with family and loved ones. This Christmas will be the first without JD. I'll miss having him by the chair, all puppy eyed awaiting the chunks of turkey meat. I'll miss him running about wearing his silly Santa hat. (I pray each night that he would be in a home with loving friends that treat him well, that feed him well, and that he remembers me).

Somehow over the years, I've drifted away from the true nature of Christmas, even though I still remember what it signifies. I believe this year I will not be there either. I don't belong anymore.

So what do I want for Christmas?

I ask for good health for my parents, in their golden years, that they would live it to the fullest.
I ask for forgiveness from my friends (and buddy) for the time I could not give, and my failure to be there when I'm needed.
I ask for happiness for my beloved, that I could give all that is expected of me.
I ask for the strength and will to make the move that I've long spoke of.
I ask for a White Christmas.

* Bells still ringing

And I'm going to bed

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