Sunday, January 17, 2010

Of lifelong decisions and mistakes on the spur

Life takes twists and turns expectedly. And in life, there comes a time where things are simply expected.

So there I was, happily cruising thru in a 2 wheeler, enjoying the bachelorhood and couldn't-care-less... to the day I had to switch to a 2 door ride. Add-on in techie, or in McD if you prefer.

There's the adjustment to deal with. A little tuning here and there is a requisite every now and then. Mood swings, temper tantrum... its all in the package. Take it or leave it.

I did a little pondering. It'll be great to have to do this for myself. That doesn't work this lifetime. Commitments and a duty to deliver pretty much sums of the path.

Certain I didn't make a mistake? I suppose I did have lots of silly stubborn mistakes. Some I just have to live with for awhile.

Finally it became clear. I deliver. I always deliver.

Tempers I can deal with. Tantrums I can live with. I have mine to share, so its only fair [then live's not always fair]. And now I embark on this path, one which I stand firm on not turning back.

6 days to go.

Wish me luck.

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