I got creamed, and rightfully so!
Argh! I got creamed by my friends last nite. I guess the news would have came out eventually, though I wouldn't had expected it to be so soon.
Yes, my dear friends. I'm in the midst of an early, beautiful romance. It began a month ago, and it's been a wonderful month for me.
Just read Jaimie's lengthy recollection of TL and Lena's wedding. Here's my thanks to this wonderful couple. As I sat there last night, it suddenly dawned on me (and many others) that we had not met many of each other for years. Really, it took a wedding of amazing proportions to get everyone together again.
Funnee thing is, the oddity of meeting ex and ex-es sitting around and talking to each other, while their spouse/halfs sat right beside. You know who you are. I'm glad to see how mature everyone were about it. You fellas are cool.
TL, you could really sing. That was a romantic gesture, and sure takes lot of guts to do. Worth it, right?
Now we wait for the next big one. Camelia's big day is fast approaching. And we'll be there.